This is the fourth post in a new blog series highlighting the incredible work that’s done by some of the cycling teams that ERIK’S supports. See all blog posts here, and check back soon for more posts in our Team Highlights series!
Team Name: University of Minnesota Cycling Team
# of Members: 25
Location: Minneapolis, MN
What is the history of the University of Minnesota Cycling Team (UMCT)?
UMCT is facilitated through the UMN Recwell sports clubs organization. To the best of our knowledge, we have been formally organized as a cycling club since the 1980s, but the exact details of how we started are unclear. We have always been a student-run team with an emphasis on promoting individuals to become their best cyclist, whether that goal is individual or team directed. Riding together is now and has always been more fun!
In a nutshell, describe the riders on your team. Did any shared interests or goals bring you all together?
Our team currently rides for the enjoyment of the sport! Some of us race competitively, whether that be road, mountain bike, or gravel, but ultimately we all come together to just ride and be together. Recently we have tried to emphasize that our team is not only about being competitive but about challenging ourselves and having as much fun as possible on two wheels!

What is the team’s mission statement? In other words, why do you ride?
We are an inclusive group of both recreational and competitive cyclists riding all disciplines, from mountain to road or anything in between. We exist as a non-profit campus life organization to provide a means for students, faculty, staff, and affiliates to access competitive cycling opportunities, bike resources, and community to share a common passion.
What are the team’s plans for the future? Any special events or initiatives coming up?
Every year our team plans a spring break trip that gets all of the members together for a week of riding. Last year we traveled to Tucson, Arizona, and rode Mount Lemmon, among many other rides; and this year we went to Asheville, North Carolina, to ride in the mountains. We will plan a similar trip for next year, and some team members will ride various events, including the Machinery Hill Criterium series.

Why do you like partnering with ERIK’S?
We like partnering with ERIK’S because they are a Minnesota-based company and we are the University of Minnesota. Additionally, they provide strong support behind the scenes of our team to allow us to go on our spring break trip every year.
What are your favorite biking trails or routes in your location? This can be mountain biking trails, city streets, hybrid paths, whatever you prefer!
The Mississippi River ride loop between Minneapolis and St. Paul never disappoints. You will find us down by the Minnesota River Flats when we haven’t gotten quite enough sand in our diet.