Well, winter is here and it’s time to get ready for the inevitable New Year’s resolutions! With indoor trainers in high demand, the Tacx Boost Trainer Bundle is a great, affordable choice to stay ready when the snow melts and it’s time to ride outside again!
Training App Compatible
While not a Smart Trainer like the Tacx Flux S, the Tacx Boost Trainer can be used with many popular training apps like the Tacx Training App, Zwift, and Trainer Road using the included speed sensor. This amazing little gadget will judge your speed and calculate a perceived power measurement, allowing you to participate in structured workouts. Unlike the Tacx Flux S and other Smart Trainers, your resistance will not be automatically adjusted for you. You will use the handy resistance remote to change your resistance.
Handlebar Remote
The handlebar remote allows riders to adjust the resistance. There are 10 levels of resistance up to 1050 watts and the 3.5-pound flywheel will deliver a realistic feel and smooth pedal stroke.
The Bundle
The Tacx Boost Bundle includes the Boost Trainer, front-wheel support, the speed sensor, and even 30 days of the Tacx Premium Training App; all for just $329.99!
Check out the Tacx Boost Bundle at your local ERIK’S location or at shopERIKS.com!