Specialized Turbo Firmware Update – Spring 2022

Specialized Turbo Firmware Update – Spring 2022

Specialized released a firmware update for their Turbo Electric Bikes. This update has some exciting features and so you’ll want to update your e-bike.  

Not a technophile? No worries! The below steps and video will walk you through what you need to do for the Specialized Turbo Firmware update.  The entire process should take less than 15 minutes. And make sure to read on for details about the update. 

First, is this a firmware update for your bike? If you have one of the bikes below, then yes. 

Turbo bikes equipped with the MasterMind TCU and TCU can be updated. 

Get The Update

  1. Download Mission Control. Already have it? Skip to step 4. 
  1. Open the app and create an account or log in with your Specialized account. 
  1. Turn on your bike and connect it to the app. 
  1. Tap the Diagnose icon on the home screen. 
  1. Watch the tutorial video below for additional support. 

New features include Turbo System Lock, SRAM AXS live status (for equipped bikes), ride recording status symbols, and the option to set MicroTune as your default start-up mode. Below we go over these new features and how you can get them! 

Turbo System Lock 

System Lock is an incredible safety feature. System Lock, when engaged, will disable your bike’s motor. It will also prevent pairing a new device to the bike so someone cannot pair their device to see your pin. There is also an option to enable an alarm that will sound if the bike is moved significantly.  

Once engaged, System Lock can only be disabled through Mission Control or by entering your pin on the bike. Even if the battery is removed, the bike will remain locked until the battery is reinserted, and System Lock is disengaged. Removing the battery does not trigger the alarm.  

It’s worth noting that even though the motor is disabled, the bike can still be pedaled, so System Lock should be used in conjunction with a physical lock. 

SRAM AXS Live Status 

If your bike has a MasterMind TCU (pictured above) and a SRAM AXS rear derailleur, you can now see the battery level and current gear right on the screen! This feature will work out of the box with the S-Works Levo Gen 3 and S-works Kenevo SL, or any bike with a MasterMind TCU that has been upgraded to an AXS rear derailleur.

Ride Recording Symbols 

There are now status symbols for when your bike is connected to Mission Control and status symbols for ride recording. In the above image, you can see the chain symbol on the left indicating the bike is connected to Mission Control and a circle on the right indicating that the ride is currently being recorded. There is also a pause symbol for when recording the recording is, well, paused. 

MicroTune Start-Up Mode 

If you are unfamiliar with MicroTune, it allows you to change the assist level on Turbo e-bikes in 10% increments, making sure you get exactly as much support as you want. Previously you would always have to enable MicroTune after turning on the bike. With this update, Specialized has added a setting that can be changed in Mission Control so the bike will always turn on with MicroTune enabled. This is a great quality-of-life improvement for those who prefer MicroTune. 

Other Improvements 

Like with many updates, there’s plenty going on behind the scenes. Even if you don’t have the MasterMind TCU, the original TCU also got some “invisible” updates to ensure your bike runs at peak performance. No matter what, it’s always important to make sure your bike is up to date.  

Update Process

First, make sure you have the Mission Control app on your device. This can be downloaded from either the App Store or Google Play Store for Apple and Android devices, respectively. Next, make sure your bike is turned on and connected to the app. After that, you’ll hit “Diagnose” and then “Device Updates.” Finally, follow the prompts, your bike may restart, and then, assuming you don’t get an error message, you’re good to go! Please note that it may take a few minutes to complete the update and you should NEVER remove the battery or take your device too far away while the bike is updating.

If you’re having trouble or just need a little help with the Specialized Turbo Firmware update, bring your bike to your local ERIK’S and we’d be happy to assist you!  

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